Ilustrasi: Shutterstock The founder of the Ciputra Company, Ciputra, passed away today at Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore. He breathed his last at the age of 88 years . The man who is usually called Mr. Ci is known to have died after undergoing treatment in the pneumonia room, or a room that is specialized in treating patients with lung infections. Ciputra's body is planned to arrive in Jakarta on Friday 29 November, and it will only be buried on 4 or 5 December. Ciputra's illness certainly has to be a concern of many people, especially for those who are elderly or those of you who have elderly at home. Preventive measures will extend the life span of people with pneumonia. So, what is pneumonia and is this disease really a threat to the elderly? Quoted from Aging, pneumonia is a lung infection that affects the small air sacs known as alveoli, many attacking the elderly with various modes of transmission. In some cases, alveoli become inflamed due to infection, which makes breathing difficult and makes the lungs function less effectively to oxygenate our blood. In other cases, the alveoli become infected and are filled with a fluid such as pus. Alveoli are not designed to hold liquids, but rather to hold air. The presence of any fluid in the alveoli prevents our lungs from working at full capacity. This then makes pneumonia very dangerous with serious potential consequences. One of the things that makes pneumonia very difficult to detect is because there is no single cause, and there is no single risk factor for this disease. Age is also considered to be one of several risk factors, which is why older people over the age of 65 are considered at particular risk for this type of infection. Young people, especially babies, are also at high risk of pneumonia, as are adults with lung diseases such as COPD. In the elderly, these risk factors become increasingly severe and pose an even greater threat. Also, the elderly with pneumonia are somewhat vulnerable because infections tend to fall at the extreme end of the spectrum. Although the risk factors for this disease are too broad, some peculiarities can be seen in the elderly, namely the ease with which the elderly have the flu. Not only that, but the elderly with this disease also usually experience coughing or immunocompromised problems. A persistent cough is a cause of concern because it is a potential sign of disease that precedes pneumonia. Owner Ciputra Group In addition to coughing and flu, this disease can also be characterized by confusion and weakness felt by the elderly. Confusion is generally specific for seniors with pneumonia than younger patients, so doctors can assess these symptoms specifically. The fact that the lungs do not absorb oxygen, means that the body as a whole, including the heart, muscles, and brain, may not function at their full capacity. This lack of oxygen can even cause lips and fingertips or toes to turn blue and these worrisome symptoms are signs of serious infection. There are certain steps you can take to reduce the chance of infection, but pneumonia is still a potential dilema for seniors who are at risk or who develop infections in the upper or lower respiratory system. Unfortunately, there is no 100% guaranteed method to prevent pneumonia. However, that does not mean pneumonia is inevitable. Several efforts can at least prevent or minimize pneumonia. Vaccination Vaccination is an option for pneumonia and seniors must actively pursue inoculation, especially if they have an underlying condition that can increase the risk of lung infection. The flu vaccine is also a good idea as a preventive measure not only against the flu but also against pneumonia, which can follow the flu attack. Avoiding the disease will help reduce the possibility of pneumonia. Wear a mask When elderly people travel to other locations where they may be around sick people, they must be careful to avoid pain. The level of care a senior undertakes must match the level of their relative susceptibility to pneumonia. Elderly people who have underlying risk factors must be very careful when traveling to hospitals or even schools with many small children. These elderly who are at risk must wear medical masks with the power to filter out viral and bacterial microbes. Frequent hand washing is also a smart move for seniors of all ages and levels of risk. Staying healthy consistently is really an effective way to avoid infection. Keep the house clean An important note is that the house containing the elderly must be kept as clean as possible. This might mean that some elderly people need to seek additional help to maintain the cleanliness of their homes. Also, objects that can cause musty or moldy odor must be checked regularly. It is also important for someone to seek appropriate medical care early on in the elderly and ask the elderly to check regularly to ensure recovery is wajar .
Recognize The Dangers Of Pneumonia, The Deadly Disease That Killed The
Founder Of The Ciputra Company
Jumat, 02 Juli 2021
Recognize The Dangers Of Pneumonia, The Deadly Disease That Killed The Founder Of The Ciputra Company
Diterbitkan Juli 02, 2021
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